I had to stop into my local supermarket yesterday to pick up two bottles of Prosecco -- and a pack of new kitchen sponges as that's the kind of thrilling dichotomy that rules my life. Then I saw it: the huge bin of frozen turkeys. It's that time of year again. A select few know … [Read more...] about Thanksgiving: Best Guides Online
Recipe: Potato Gratin with Camembert and Pancetta
Recipe by Jess Thomson, from Dishing Up Washington, photo by Lara Ferroni At Vashon Island’s Kurtwood Farms, owner Kurt Timmermeister makes a bloomy-rind cow’s milk cheese called Dinah’s Cheese. When it was first released in 2009, Seattle swooned; nowhere in the state is there a … [Read more...] about Recipe: Potato Gratin with Camembert and Pancetta
Fearless Thanksgiving Supermarket Shopping Guide
I may be the only person on Earth who likes grocery stores. Oddly fascinated by them, actually. I can spend hours in a supermarket, marveling over this new perverse concoction or that, engaging in some passive cart voyeurism. The one time of year I don't enjoy the aisles, … [Read more...] about Fearless Thanksgiving Supermarket Shopping Guide
What’s in your fridge?
For The Kitchen Counter Cooking School, my friend Lisa and I spent a lot of time with other people's kitchens. There's something deeply intimate about what's lurks in the fridges, freezers and cupboards of strangers. As the site TrendCentral.com notes, the interiors of fridges … [Read more...] about What’s in your fridge?
Recipe: Provencal tomato spread for Julia Child
This recipe first appeared in The Sharper Your Knife, the Less You Cry. It's loosely based on a dish that I learned to make while studying at Le Cordon Bleu in Paris. During the heat of summer, I probably make this once a week and if I have to take something to a party, this is … [Read more...] about Recipe: Provencal tomato spread for Julia Child