OK, so this is what you give all the children on your holiday list when you're a cooking teacher who has written a book with the word "knife" in the subject line. It's so perfect that I'm speechless. Here's the official product description: "This set contains eight pieces of … [Read more...] about The Ultimate Gift: How to Cut Up Food Toy
The 10 Best “Best of 2009” Food Book Lists
It's that wacky time of the year when everyone seems to out their "Top 10s" from the year. It's no different with lists about food books. So here's my own: The Top 10 "Best of 2009" food book lists. The most common entries on all the lists? Momofuko by David Chang, Ad Hoc at Home … [Read more...] about The 10 Best “Best of 2009” Food Book Lists
Heading to New York City
Brrrr. It's cold here in Seattle. Time to head for a relatively balmy climate: New York City. Think I'm kidding? It's 22 F here in Seattle right now, and 38 F in New York. Looking forward to some great chow. I'll keep you posted.Subscribe to Eat.Write.Now. … [Read more...] about Heading to New York City
The Fat Acceptance Movement
Are the obese the new "black?" (Forgive that politically incorrect phrase). The "Fat Acceptance Movement" is working to bring to light discrimination against the weight-challenged, which a Yale University study found is as prevalent as race or gender discrimination. But unlike … [Read more...] about The Fat Acceptance Movement
Recipe: Easy Pan-Seared Fish
I’ve been spending the week on Anna Maria Island. No trip is complete without a visit to Cortez, the historic fishing village named for the murderous bastard who wiped out its original population. Mom and I headed over to the Cortez Bait & Seafood Market yesterday and picked … [Read more...] about Recipe: Easy Pan-Seared Fish